Our Foundational Principles
Bill of Ethics
High Energy Sanctuary has proudly adopted the Titanian Ethic and the Titanian Code of Honor as it’s central guiding principles. For an exhaustive explanation of these, read “Ethics, Law, & Government” on the Titanians.org website – and/or read “FLOURISH!” by Robert Podolsky.
The following Bill of Ethics was written by Robert Podolsky and Gregory Sulliger in 1993. It is an interpretation and extension of the work of John David Garcia, as presented so thoroughly and clearly in his book, Creative Transformation.
This Bill of Ethics has been adapted to the context of the High Energy Sanctuary.
Organizations of all types can use it to amend or define their founding constitutions or by-laws.
We, the undersigned residents constituting a quorum of the High Energy Sanctuary do hereby adopt the following “Bill of Ethics” as the highest priority policy for governing all our future actions and procedures, both in our dealings with those outside our organization and in our relationships with members and/or employees within our ranks. Henceforth all other written and unwritten rules of conduct for persons associated with this organization shall be understood, reinterpreted, or if need be revised to conform to the definitions and principles stated in this Bill of Ethics.
ARTICLE 1: Philosophy & Rationale of This Bill of Ethics
1.1 WHEREAS this organization exists for the pursuit of ”ethical” purposes by ”ethical” means;
1.2 WHEREAS the charter of this organization establishes the right of its resident-artists to alter and reform governing policies as they may think proper; and
1.3 WHEREAS the resident-artists/members of this organization have expressed their belief that the establishment of a Bill of Ethics would substantially promote the rights and well-being of all who come in contact with this organization;
1.4 THEREFORE the policy of this organization is hereby amended… this Bill of Ethics being appended thereto.
ARTICLE 2: Definitions
2.1 We believe it to be self evident that people are neither “good” nor “evil” except as their acts are “good” or “evil”
2.2 And that a person’s actions are “good” (or equivalently “just” or “ethical”) if they increase the creativity of at least one person, including the person acting, without limiting or diminishing the creativity of any person, including the person acting.
2.3 Since creativity is the product of ethical awareness and intelligence (as symbolized by the equation: C = EI), there are two ways an act may increase creativity:
2.3.1 An act may increase creativity by increasing someone’s ethical awareness, degree of personal evolution, love, and/or growth… these creativity enhancers being logical equivalents of one another, in that any act which increases one of them must necessarily increase the others, and vice-versa;
2.3.2 An act may increase creativity by increasing the intelligence of any person who uses their intelligence creatively rather than destructively; where access to objective truth, access to energy, and freedom are enhancers of intelligence, since they increase one’s ability to predict and control the environment or to initiate and maintain causal relationships between events in the observable world.
2.4 The lists of equivalent creativity enhancers given above are incomplete. There may in fact be an unlimited number of such equivalences that apply. Hereinafter we shall use the words, “ethical awareness” to include all of its logical equivalents, and the word “intelligence” to similarly encompass all of its logical equivalents. The word “creativity” will be used to encompass both of the preceding sets of resources… the distinctions between the two sets being duly noted.
2.5 From the preceding it logically follows that it is ethical to limit or reduce a person’s intelligence in order to stop or prevent that person from acting destructively (unethically). This is generally accomplished ethically by limiting or reducing that individual’s access to intelligence enhancers.
2.6 Whereby “person” is meant any being having awareness of its own awareness… thus excluding forms of life whose actions are merely “natural”; and to whom this Bill of Ethics does not apply.
2.7 And acts which limit or reduce another person’s creativity (or any of the equivalent resources listed in Section 2.2 above) are – with the exception explained in Section 2.5 above – generally “bad”, or equivalently “evil”, “unethical”, or “entropic”
2.8 And further, that good and evil acts by aware beings fall on an ethical continuum… where the best (most ethical) acts are those which contribute the most to the evolution of an individual or a group… and the worst (most unethical) acts are those which most increase the entropy (chaos or disorder) thereof;
2.9 And further still, that acts which are not “ethical” according to Section 2.2 above and which are not “unethical” according to Section 2.7 above may be said to be “ethically neutral”, “innocent”, “trivial”, or merely “natural”.
!ARTICLE 3: Principles
3.01 From the foregoing self-evident truths we infer that to act ethically each person must do their utmost to maximize creativity and its equivalents;
3.02 That ethical actions always increase someone’s creativity;
3.03 And that ethical actions never destroy, limit, or diminish anyone’s creativity except as described in Section 2.5 above.
3.04 And from the foregoing we infer that ”unethical” means can never achieve ethical ends… this principle rejecting the notion that we can ethically sacrifice the creativity of the individual for the “greater good” of society, the “many”, and so forth; from which it follows that:
3.05 ”Unethical” means always produce unethical results (ends); trivial means always produce trivial results at best; and similarly…
3.06 ”Means which are not ethical ends in themselves are never ethical”;
3.07 From the foregoing it is also apparent that ”inaction is unethical”. Creativity cannot be passively expanded or increased… this must be done actively to overcome entropic destruction inherent in the Second Law of Thermodynamics. This principle is basically equivalent to the adage that, “For evil to triumph, it is only necessary for good people to do nothing.”
3.08 It also follows that ”it is unethical to tolerate unethical behavior”. To do so is to violate Section 3.07 above. For this reason we are ethically bound to defend ourselves and others actively against injury or deceit when we or they are imminently imperiled by another’s unethical behavior; from which:
3.08.1 It follows that it is unethical to augment (enhance) the creativity of anyone whom one reasonably believes will use such augmented resources unethically… and it is therefore ethical to withhold the augmentation of creative resources from anyone whose ethical commitment one reasonably distrusts; and furthermore:
3.09 It is ethical to learn and unethical to be certain. When one closes one’s mind on a subject, they cease to learn… to increase their own awareness and creativity. Learning always increases creativity; and
3.10 It is ethical to doubt. By ceasing to have doubts about a subject, one becomes certain about it… and thus has ceased learning. Doubts create new questions …some of which yield new answers. Doubt is one of the cornerstones of creativity.
ARTICLE 4: Laws, Rules And Regulations Compatible With This Bill of Ethics
4.1 Be it understood that the proper role of an organization’s laws, rules and regulations is to empower those people acting singly or in concert who would embrace the foregoing Definitions and Principles set forth in Articles 2 and 3 above and who are willing to make the moral commitment to live their lives as ethically as they can… as suggested by Section 3.01.
4.2 And it is also the proper role of laws, rules and regulations to prohibit, by the most ethical means possible, any actions which are unethical as defined above.
4.3 Nor is it ever the proper role of rules and regulations to intrude, coerce, or interfere, in the lives of any people except as is truly necessary in order to accomplish the aims of Sections 4.1 and 4.2 above …such intrusion, even then, to be that which is minimally required.
4.4 Moreover, whenever the laws, rules, and regulations of an organization are in conflict with said Definitions and Principles, the ethics shall prevail …the rules being deemed to exist solely as the servant of the ETHICS, the latter being always superior to the rules.
4.5 Responsibility for Actions: Under the aegis of ethical rules and regulations compatible with this Bill of Ethics:
4.5.1 All people are responsible for their own actions and the consequences which result from those actions. In determining who shall bear the burden of financial or other costs when someone’s actions result in harm to another person, ultimate (though not sole or total) responsibility rests with the individual who had the last available opportunity to prevent such undesirable effects from occurring.
4.5.2 Also, responsibility under ethical rules is not mitigated by the failure of an individual to understand, comprehend, rationalize, or anticipate the consequences of his or her acts… except as such failure may alter the availability of opportunities to prevent harm from occurring.
4.5.3 In any case, persons who enact harm on others in a self-induced state of mental incompetence (e.g. intoxicated) may still be required to bear the costs of the consequences of their actions… when the act of inducing such incompetence was, chronologically, the last opportunity anyone had to prevent the unethical act from being performed.
4.5.4 Harm enacted by one person on another is solely justifiable when necessary in self or another’s defense against the person harmed.
ARTICLE 5: Cooperation of Officials
5.1 Non-Interference: No elected or appointed official, officer, or employee shall take direct or indirect action or exert direct or indirect influence which would result in the circumvention, deflection, abrogation, evasion of or interference with the purpose of this Bill of Ethics.
5.2 Penalty: Any person found to be violating Section 5.1 above shall be reprimanded or removed from their position office or appointment as determined by the authority cited below.
5.3 Jurisdiction: Jurisdiction for purposes of this Bill of Ethics, shall be with the board of directors of this organization.
ARTICLE 6: Previously Existing Rules and Policies
6.1 Conformity: Henceforth all the rules, regulations, and policies of this organization, whether they originate at board, executive, managerial, supervisory level or below shall be brought into compliance with this Bill of Ethics within 28 days of this date.
6.2 Wherever this amendment conflicts with or contradicts other rules, regulations, or policies, be they written or unwritten, this measure shall supersede and take precedence over the other, this one being the ultimate touchstone for valid procedural regulation throughout this organization.
High Energy Code of Honor
High Energy Sanctuary has proudly adopted the Titanian Ethic and the Titanian Code of Honor as it’s central guiding principles. For an exhaustive explanation of these, read “Ethics, Law, & Government” on the Titanians.org website – and/or read “FLOURISH!” by Robert Podolsky.
The High Energy Code of Honor, based upon the Titanian Code of Honor, is a set of four simple affirmations containing the most prominent logical consequences of the High Energy Ethic (which is, itself, based upon the Titanian Ethic. These affirmations and a brief explanation of each are shown below. It is required that High Energy Frequencies learn and honor this code.
Four Simple Affirmations
*We do no harm.
*We do good at every opportunity.
*The CODE always applies – no exceptions
*Everyone knows the CODE.
*An act is good if it increases creativity, or any of its logical equivalents, for at least one person, including the person acting, without limiting or diminishing creativity for anyone.
*Logical equivalents of creativity include: love, awareness, evolution, the availability of objectively true information to ethical persons, and possibly many other resources.
*A second set of creativity-enhancing resources are sometimes necessary, often helpful, but never sufficient, for the maximization of creativity; they are not logical equivalents of creativity and their maximization //in lieu of// creativity can result in unethical outcomes. These resources include, but are not limited to: freedom, privacy, honesty, empathy, conscience, energy, wealth, profit, and even happiness.
EXPLANATIONS: Logical Consequences of the Above Definitions
*We never attempt to achieve ethical ends by unethical means.
*We never lie – except in self-defense, in which case lying may be mandatory.
*We never coerce – except in self-defense.
*We never steal, destroy, limit, or diminish anyone’s physical, tangible, mental, intellectual, temporal, or emotional resources.
*We never invade another’s privacy.
*We never excuse our own ethical lapses.
*We never destroy, limit, or avoid corrective feedback.
*We never attempt to delegate authority that we do not possess as individuals.
*We never employ “majority rule”.
*We never perform (act) as a group in a way that would be unethical if performed by an individual.
*We never support, nurture, or augment the abilities of anyone whose actions are predatory, parasitic, or generally unethical. Nor do we permit such acts when presented with a choice in the matter.
*We never obey rules/”laws” that forbid ethical behavior or require unethical behavior.
*We always seek to maximize creativity, love, awareness, personal evolution, and their logical equivalents above all else and at every opportunity.
*We commit to those actions which fulfill this mission.
*We commit to using only those means which are ethical ends in themselves.
*At every opportunity we help and augment the freedom, independence, autonomy, privacy, knowledge, courage, and other creativity-enhancing resources of those whom we trust to act in accordance with the CODE.
*We ask for and accept the help of others.
*We ask for and accept the constructive feedback available from others.
*We offer our own constructive feedback to others, especially where ethical decision-making is concerned.
*We augment one another’s strengths and compensate for one another’s weaknesses.
*We maintain security and confidentiality.
*We celebrate all individual and group success.
*We share expenses and profits as agreed.
*We are paid for our creativity and productivity – not for our time.
*We recognize and aim to accommodate all forms of neurodivergence.
*We also recognize and aim to accommodate the full spectra of gender identity, romantic orientation, and sexual orientation.
We Do No Harm
We Consistently Do Good
The Code Of Honor Applies At All Times – Not Just When It Is Easy Or Convenient.
All High Energy Frequencies Know The Code Of Honor – Now you do too. 🙂
High Energy Ethic
An act is ethical if it increases creativity (or any of its logical equivalents) for at least one person, including the person acting, without limiting or diminishing creativity for anyone.
To act ethically, each person must strive to maximize creativity and its logical equivalents.
Ethical actions always increase someone’s creativity without destroying, limiting, or diminishing anyone’s creativity.
Unethical means can never achieve ethical ends and always have unethical consequences.
Means which are not ethical ends in themselves are never ethical.
It is unethical to tolerate unethical, predatory, or parasitic behavior and therefore inaction in the presence of these behaviors is unethical.
It is ethical to learn and unethical to be certain; and therefore it is ethical to doubt.
The exercise of power over others is never ethical except in the case of self defense against the imminent aggression of others.
The taking of another’s property by theft, fraud, deceit, or coercion of any kind is never ethical.
No individual can legitimately delegate to another, nor to a group of any kind, authority that the individual does not themself possess.
All laws, rules, and regulations are ethical and legitimate only insofar as they forbid and/or intervene in the commission of acts that are unethical, predatory, or parasitic. Government edicts that violate this principle are not truly laws at all.
It is worth noting that all prosperity and happiness can be causally traced back to someone’s creativity, or one or more of its logical equivalents.
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